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Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails

February 6th, 2025

Skiing Conditions: All trails are packed and groomed for classic and skate skiing. Additional snowfall overnight has added to the ski base. Trails are in very good to excellent shape, although soft ib some spotas due to all of the new snow. 

Compacted Base: 8"
New Snow last 24 hours: 6"

New Snow last 7 days: 11"

Groomed for Skating: 25 of 25 km, wide skating lanes are packed; mostly firm snow with occaisional soft spots.

Groomed for Classic Skiing: 25 of 25 km, Classic tracks are set. Tracks are in excellent condition. 
Surface Conditions: Packed powder skiing conditions exist on all trails  

Last Grooming Day: February 6th, 2025

Total Snow for the Season: 51 inches since October 17th, 2024.

March 30th, 2024
Skiing Conditions: 10 - 12 inches of snow fell from this past Sunday - Tuesday, and then again from Wednesday through Friday. Skate lanes and Classic tracks are set on about 6 to 13 km of trails.

Compacted Base: 5"

New Snow last 24 hours: 1"

New Snow last 7 days: 13"

Groomed for Skating: 13 of 25 km 

Groomed for Classic Skiing: 13 of 25 km 

Surface Conditions: Packed powder snow conditions rated very good for classic skiing and very good for skate skiing transitioning to spring snow conditions with the melt freeze cycle setting up.  

Last Grooming Day: March 29th, 2024

Total Snow for the Season: 39" (Since October 26th, 2023)


April 27th, 2023
Skiing Conditions: Another 1 inche of snow fell on the trails April 26th - 27th. The snow conditions are soft and mushy snow in the most areas. Skiing is possible but you'll have to avoid blown down trees from this past weeks storms. 

Compacted Base: 2-18"

New Snow last 24 hours: 1"

New Snow last 7 days: 8"

Groomed for Skating: 0 of 25 km 

Groomed for Classic Skiing: 0 of 25 km 

Surface Conditions: The trails are in spring like skiing conditions. Trails in the shade or with an east-west alignment have firmer snow. The trails are rated to be good for classic skiing and fair for skating. 

Last Grooming Day: April 7th, 2023

Total Snow for the Season: 150" (Since 10/15; a new snowfall record for Pincushion!!!)


April 29th, 2022
Skiing Conditions: Another inch of snow fell Wednesday, on top all of the snow  from the previous two weeks. The trails are not groomed right now but the surface can be skied on and tracks for classic have been kicked in. We set a new snow record at Pincushion.

Compacted Base: 12-18" 

New Snow last 24 hours: 1"  

New Snow last 7 days: 13"

Groomed for Skating: 22 of 25 km  

Groomed for Classic Skiing: 22 of 25 km

Surface Conditions: A mix of powder, frozen snow and now slush from a series of storms over the past two weeks. 

Last Grooming Day: April 1st, 2022 

Total Snow for the Season: 148" (Since November 22nd, a new record!.)

March 26th, 2021
Skiing Conditions: It's been warm and the snow has been melting, but it is still skiable in a vast majority of trails. Trails were re-groomed by snowmobile and have had the skate decks classic tracks re-set a week ago. Ice dams are forming on some trails near bridges and culverts. Snow is in the forecast for this coming week.
Compacted Base: 4-8"       New Snow last 24 hours: 2"   

New Snow last 7 days: 2"      Groomed for Skating: 25 of 25 km   

Groomed for Classic Skiing: 25 of 25 km 

Surface Conditions: Frozen granular snow on all trails now. Warming up again this weekend, but snow is forecast for the coming week.

Last Grooming Day: March 12th

Total Snow for the Season: 67" (Since October 17th)

April 4th, 2020
Skiing Conditions: Rated Good to Very Good. Trails are not being groomed now but remain in really good shape during the melt/freeze cyle from day to day. A few recent snowfalls of 1 - 3 inches have imporved the snow surface conditions a lot.

Compacted Base: 8-16"    Snow Depth in Woods: 15-28"

New Snow last 24 hours: 1"    New Snow last 7 days: 1.5"

Groomed for Skating: 22 of 25 km    Groomed for Classic Skiing: 22 of 25 km

Surface Conditions: Mixed powder with frozen granular snow mixed in.

Last Grooming Day: March 20th, 2020

Total Snow for the Season: 103" (Since November 4th)

April 29th, 2019

Skiing Conditions: Rated Good to Very Good spring skiing conditions! About 7-8 inches of snow fell last Thursday and Friday, making for improved skiing on the Pincushion trails. Good classic skiing now and skating in another day after the snow melts down a little further.

Compacted Base: 8"  Snow Depth in Woods: 4-10"

Surface Conditions: Eight inches of new snow over frozen granular snow.

Trails Conditions Rated: Good to Very Good, all trails are in spring conditions. It's usuallly quite good later in the day after the sun has softened the frozen snow. Very good for skating and Good for classic skiing.

Last Grooming Day: Saturday, March 22nd, 2019.

Total Snow for the Season since Nov. 5th, 2018: 126"

Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails

April 21st, 2018
Skiing conditions: Still Good in places but it's going fast now. All trails have been regroomed April 6th-7th after refreezzing last week. Trails were power tilled and a significant amount of new snow was turned up making for resetting of the classical tracks.
Compacted Base: 4-8";  New snow Last 7 days: 4"
Surface Conditions: Mixed frozen granular and packed powder snow over a deep snow base. 25 of 25 km of classic and skating open for skiing.
Last Grooming Day: April 7th 2018.
Total Snow for the Season: 84" since October 27th.


March 25th, 2017

Skiing Conditions: Good - trails are in the process of being re-groomed for skate and classic skiing. The trails are being regroomed after this past weeks snowfall. East Overlook, Ole Hyvva and Hilfiker loops are closed because of ice flows.

Surface Conditions: Packed powder mixed with ranular snow. Most trails are in the process of being re-groomed and are open for skiing.

Trail Conditions Rated: Good for classic skiing and Very Good for skate skiing.

Last Grooming Day:March 25th.

Total Snow for Season since November 18th: 74"

Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails

April 8th, 2016

Skiing Conditions: Good to Very Good - somel trails have been re-groomed for skate and classic skiing. Groomers have been out and grooming has been continuous since the snowstorm this week. The Pincushion Mt. loop and ole Hyyvaa and Hilfiker loops all remainsblocked by down trees.

Surface Conditions: Packed powder over hard packed granular snow.

Trail Conditions Rated: Good to Very Good skiing, being re-groomed after snowstorm this week.

Last Grooming Day:April 7th.

Total Snow for Season since November 13th: 74"


March 29th, 2015

Skiing Conditions: Good to Very Good on most trails except the stadium area and the lower Pincuchion loop. Ungroomed frozen granular surface conditions with some fresh snow over the top.

Surface Conditions: Fresh snow over frozen granular snow.

Trail Conditions Rated: Very Good for skating and Good for classic skiing. 

Last Grooming Day:March 6th,

Total Snow for Season since November 1st: 56"


Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails
April 25th, 2014

Skiing Conditions: Poor to Good - Cooler temp's this past week and more snow has helped to refresh the trails.

Last Grooming Day: March 28th, 2014

Total Snow for Season since November 8th: 136" A new record!


Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails
April 23rd, 2013

Skiing Conditions: Good to Very Good skiing conditions. Fresh snow with some sun melted refrozen snow mixed in. Good for Classic skiing, Not so Good for Skate skiing, once the melt/freeze cycle restarts skating should be great for a few days.

Last Grooming Day: Wednesday, March 27th.

Total Snow for Season since November 1st: 101"


Current Conditions - Pincushion Mountain Ski Trails
March 14th, 2012
Fair to Good Skiing Conditions - Melted and refrozen granular snow conditions from this past few days warm temp's, (high of 55). Light rain is falling on Monday.

Last Grooming Day: Saturday, March 10th, 2012.

Total Snow for Season since November 10th, 2011: 58"

Monday, 4 April 2011

Very good Skiing Conditions - 6" of fresh snow over a tilled frozen granular snow base.

Last Grooming Day: Saturday, April 3rd 2011

Total Snow for Season since November 12th, 2010: 125"

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Poor Skiing Conditions: The trails have melted out, considering how warm it has been, just a few patches of skiiable snow remain, but they are not connected... Skiing is over for the season.

Total Snow for Season since October 10th, 2009: 43"

Friday, April 10th, 2009

Good Skiing Conditions: Approximately 20 km of trails have been groomed on Friday morning by Pisten Bully.

Last Grooming Day: Friday morning , April 10th, 2009

Total Snow for Season since Dec. 1st, 2008: 132"

Cross Country Skis in Snowbank Skiers Using Devils Track Nordic Ski Shop Equipment
Website by Katherine Hellner and Sandra Schutte of Two Dogs in the Web, LLC