Snowstorms and Inventory

As Tom Petty said, “The waiting is the hardest part”.  That’s been true with the ski shops inventory this season (almost two months behind schedule) and skiable snow (I skied about 300 kilometers by this time last year). Luckily, my first batch of skis, boots poles and bindings are scheduled to arrive mid-week (Dec. 8-9th). All my gloves and mittens should be there by that time too and all of wax order has made it too. After a relatively long snow drought, that may be over soon too as snow is forecast to begin falling the night of December 4th and extend into the morning of December 6th. The storm has been upgraded to a “Blizzard” so we’ll see what happens. I’ll be heading out one last time to cut up some already tipped over trees alongside the Pincushion ski trails so the when the groomers start grooming these trails should be passable. As with any early season storm, the first snowfalls usually bring down a few large trees.




About drbartol

I have run Devils Track Nordic Ski Shop since the fall of 2000.

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